Content Marketing
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LinkedIn Content Marketing Best Practices

Ready to make your brand shine and become a rockstar in your industry? Having a solid Content Marketing Strategy on LinkedIn is a must! Here's everything you need to know 👇

May 9, 2023

How to do content marketing on LinkedIn

Content marketing on LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your business or personal brand. To kick things off, all you gotta do is follow three fundamental steps: figure out who you're talking to, learn how to play by LinkedIn's rules, and create killer content that really hits the mark. If you're an expert in your field, you already have a wealth of knowledge to draw from and can let your creativity run wild to create engaging content that your audience will love.

Once you've got your audience dialed in, your goals sorted, and you're a pro at navigating LinkedIn's nuances, all you gotta do is stay consistent and keep an ear to the ground to figure out what your followers want to see from you. And if you want to get a real sense of what kind of content your audience is vibing with, you'll need to keep an eye on some KPI. But dig into that a bit later in this piece, so keep reading!

So, as you've probably gathered by now, the key to building a killer content marketing strategy on LinkedIn is all about showcasing your expertise through valuable, top-notch content. You can go for informative content like industry insights, case studies, or thought leadership pieces—or whatever floats your boat! Feel free to test out any topics and formats you want until you find the perfect fit for you and your audience.

Create a content marketing strategy for LinkedIn

Now that we know how to do content marketing on LinkedIn, let's dive into the details - how to plan a content marketing strategy? Just remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, it all depends on your own goals, which you have to figure out first. So, start by asking ourself these questions:

🎯 What is your target audience?

It’s really important to pinpoint your target audience, understand their interests, needs and aspirations. Then, you have to figure out resonates the most with them in terms of topics, formats, tone and so on.  The way you share your message should be tailored to your audience’s preferences and communication style, which can vary widely depending on factors such as industry, age, and geography. In short, the more you can relate to your audience and address their needs, the more likely they are to engage with your brand and become loyal customers.

💪 What is your main goal?

Your strategy should align with your objective, whether it's to acquire new customers, raise brand awareness, or spotlight a new chapter in your business. Typically, visibility-boosting strategies tend to rely on broad, less specific content and a robust network presence. On the other hand, conversion strategies tend to revolve around niche content that caters to the unique needs of each customer profile being targeted. As for highlighting specific products or features, this entails extensive planning, content organization, and strategic teasing. It’s crucial to identify and prioritize your specific goals if you want to build tailored approach that meets your unique needs.

💡 What ressources du you have?

Building a strong strategy means planing real content and you have to anticipate your ressources. Once you've got that sorted, you can create a content plan that covers a variety of content types, like blog posts, infographics, and videos, that align with your audience's interests. Plus, make sure you stick to a regular posting schedule and optimize your content for LinkedIn's algorithms and user experience to maximize your reach.

How to Distribute Your Content on LinkedIn

There is no single approach or method for distributing your content effectively on LinkedIn, but there are several key considerations to bear in mind if you want to effectively reach your target audience. It's clear that content distribution isn't something that can be accomplished overnight. It requires a significant amount of strategic and editorial planning, which cannot be overlooked or rushed.

To start building your presence on LinkedIn, it's crucial to establish a community base that shares your interests and aligns with your niche. Once you've got that community in place, you can keep them engaged by staying up-to-date on industry trends and emerging topics, and sharing relevant content with them. By doing so, you can establish a strong foothold on the platform and increase your profile's visibility and content's reach.

Once you’ve established  your community on LinkedIn, you'll gain insight into the topics that spark conversation and engagement. This will help you develop a sense of the best ways to showcase your messages, whether through storytelling, dynamic content, or illustrated posts. By understanding what works best, you can generate more engagement and expand your reach to attract more people to your content.

And if you're looking to get more serious about distributing your content, here are some of the most precious tips:

👉 Join LinkedIn groups to expand your reach and establish yourself as an engaged member that people should follow for updates in your field.

👉 Use relevant hashtags related to your industry to appear in searches and showcase your expertise on the subject.

👉 Collaborate with other skilled content creators in your niche to reach a wider audience and enhance your credibility.

Access content marketing score on LinkedIn

Now that you know how to build a solid content marketing strategy for LinkedIn, it's time to take it to the next level. Don't forget to keep track of your progress and monitor your results on the platform. By doing so, you'll be able to identify areas for improvement and make the necessary adjustments to boost your success.

SSI and Favikon creator ?

Many content creators are using the Social Selling Index (SSI), which is a tool that allows them to gain insights related to their performance on LinkedIn, and gauge their overall impact on the platform. Basically, with SSI, creators can monitor their online presence over time and identify their strengths and weaknesses, thus allowing them to make adjustments and improve their content strategy.

Keeping an eye on your results is crucial for success, there's no other way around it. That's why Favikon decided to provide an even more accessible and comprehensive solution - the Favikon Creator tool. It’s designed to analyze all your LinkedIn metrics in real-time and provide you with valuable insights on how to improve your content and achieve your goals. The tool breaks down your performance into three key areas: activity, engagement, and account visibility.

By using Favikon Creator, you'll get a detailed overview of which of your posts are performing well, what your audience is into, and how your account is growing over time. With this information, you can optimize your content and boost your account visibility. Ready to get started? 👀

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