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10 hacks to become a LinkedIn influencer

Ready to take the plunge and become a LinkedIn Influencer? This article provides 10 hacks (and more!) to help you become the best LinkedIn creator out there ✨

April 13, 2023

Did you know that LinkedIn is the world's largest professional networking platform, with over 700 million users? Well, know you do!

It’s a powerful tool for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses to connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and collaborators. To unlock the full potential of LinkedIn, it's tactical to establish yourself as a creator on the platform. This means building a loyal following and building a reputation as a thought leader in your industry.

If you're still on the fence about joining the LinkedIn community, now's the time to dive in headfirst! Becoming a LinkedIn creator can unlock a world of opportunities for you, as long as you approach it strategically.

In this article, we will provide 10 hacks to help you become the best LinkedIn influencer! 🌟

How to become a LinkedIn influencer

To become a LinkedIn Influencer you should start by building an attractive profile, creating top-notch content and chatting it up with other users. Basically, you have to be strategic and play smart. But remember, you won’t become a LinkedIn creator overnight, it might take a few weeks or even months. Just be patient, consistent and we highly recommend implementing a few tips and tricks to help you along the way👇

Builds a strong LinkedIn strategy

To become a LinkedIn influencer, you've got to start with a solid strategy. It's important to develop a plan that is in line with your objectives and your ideal audience. By doing so, you'll be able to create a solid foundation that sets you up for success!

Before diving into the world of LinkedIn creation, ask yourself what you hope to achieve and why. Setting clear goals and metrics will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your profile and adjust your strategy accordingly, leading to greater success on the platform.

Your strategy must include:

🎯 Defining your target audience: pinpoint the audience you want to connect with and customize your messaging and content to align with their interests and needs.

🔒 Establishing your brand: develop a strong personal brand that showcases your expertise and unique value proposition.

🏆 Setting your goals: define your objectives for using LinkedIn, whether it's to increase your visibility, generate leads, or establish thought leadership.

Create an editorial LinkedIn calendar

Consistency is key when it comes to establishing a strong following on LinnkedIn (as on any other social media). Staying consistent requires organization, which is why creating an editorial calendar is crucial. With an editorial calendar, you can plan and structure your content, maintain a regular publishing schedule, and stay up-to-date on relevant industry trends and events.

Your editorial calendar should include:

🪄 Content themes: identify the main topics you want to cover, such as industry news, thought leadership pieces, or personal experiences.

Publishing schedule: determine how often you want to publish, whether it's daily or weekly.

🎥 Content formats: decide which types of content you want to share, such as photos, videos, or infographics. The photo format actually works very well on LinkedIn. So, are you ready to snap some selfies?

Get started on LinkedIn

After developing a strong strategy and creating an editorial calendar, it's time to start building your presence on LinkedIn. It might take time, but once established, you'll see your growth accelerate extremely fast. 🏃‍♂️

Here’s what you can do to get started on LinkedIn:

Boost your LinkedIn profile

When people search for you on LinkedIn, or come across your account, it’s your LinkedIn profile that they first see! It is the first impression you make on potential followers and collaborators. So it needs to be a good one! That's why it’s essential to optimize your profile to showcase your expertise and unique value proposition.

You can boost your LinkedIn profile by doing these:

📸 Choose a professional profile photo: Use a high-quality headshot that portrays you as approachable and professional. You can also create a specific graphical charter for yourself, such as with a colored background or another distinctive element.

💡 Craft a captivating headline: Your headline should be concise and descriptive, highlighting your expertise and value proposition.

✍️ Write a compelling summary: Use your summary to showcase your accomplishments, skills, and unique perspectives. Highlight your relevant work experience in details, including job titles, key responsibilities, and achievements.

Publish High-Quality Content

If you decide to become a LinkedIn influencer, you must know that it is an extremely qualitative platform. You will be surrounded by professionals, so you have to succeed in producing value! That’s why you need to publish high-quality content if you want to build a qualitative following on LinkedIn. Your content should provide some kind of value to your audience, whether it's through thought leadership pieces, industry insights, or personal experiences through storytelling.

These tips will help you create high-quality content on the platform:

🔍 Research your topics: Stay up-to-date with the latest industry news and trends and share your insights and perspectives with your audience. You always need to be sure of what you say! Don't jump into something you don't really know about, because someone else on LinkedIn will know the subject perfectly.

👥 Write for your audience: Be careful to always tailor your content to your target audience's interests and needs, using the right language and tone that will resonates with them.

🖼 Use visuals: Incorporating visuals, such as images, videos (you can even use TikToks), infographics or carousels will make your content more engaging and shareable. If you create your own visual content, don't forget to use a distinctive graphic charter that will allow your audience to recognize your posts instantly.

🫀 Share personal experiences: Share your personal experiences and perspectives to build authenticity and trust with your audience. You can do it through storytelling, which is something that is done very often among LinkedIn creators. But it is not enough to tell your life just for the pleasure of telling your life. Your personal experiences must always bring a strong message to your audience!

Engage with Other LinkedIn Users

We also remind you that LinkedIn is a social network made for networking! So of course, engaging with other people on the platform is a must! It’s even essential if you’re looking to build a following.

Moreover, engaging with other users will allow you to create proximity with your audience and other LinkedIn creators. The more you engage with your audience, the more likely they are to share your content and become loyal followers. And engagement also boosts your visibility on the platform!

You can engage with your audience by doing this:

🗣️ Respond to comments: Make sure to respond to every comment on your posts, showing that you value your audience's feedback and ideas. You can also like and comment the posts of people in your network or that you find in your feed.

📬 Send personal messages: Don’t be afraid to send personalized messages to your followers! It’s a great way of thanking them for their support or sharing valuable insights with them.

💬 Join relevant groups: Join industry-specific groups and actively participate in discussions and conversations.

Finally, to become a LinkedIn influencer, you need to be authentic and consistent. Authenticity builds trust and credibility with your audience, while consistency helps you build a reputation and brand on the platform.

So, make sure to stay true to yourself! Share your authentic voice and opinions, and don't be afraid to be vulnerable or share your mistakes. And most of all, be patient and persistent! Building a following takes time, so don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away. Keep producing high-quality content and engaging with your audience, that’s the key to success! 💎

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